Page: 183

David Beckham was literally roasting chestnuts on an open fire while singing “The Christmas Song”, and honestly, he’s not bad! His wife, Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice of the Spice Girls) […]

The new DC movie, “The Batman,” comes out in March and they released another trailer! Starring Robert Pattinson as Batman, and #spoileralert Bruce Wayne, Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano […]

Well, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. I’m not really all that familiar with what he does. He’s a boxer/YouTuber or something? I’m a lame millennial. Sue me. Anyway, […]

Congrats to Erica Borde! She’s the winner of $1,000 towards her wedding dress from Charlotte’s Bridal and Formal Wear! Thanks to all who entered the contest. If you’re also getting […]

Better grab the tissues for this one! Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson gave his mother, Ata Johnson, a brand-new Cadillac and she was speechless. “I’m so grateful I can do this […]

You have your favorite cookie recipes, but what are you searching for to get more information? Google shared the uniquely searched Christmas cookies, by state over the past week, and […]

Brittany loves her birthday more than anyone I’ve ever met. I love her, so therefore I love her birthday 😉 Whenever it’s a Z staff member’s birthday, I bring out […]

Y’all, we may have watched this 3 times this morning 😉 When Ed Sheeran asked the TikTok community to duet him, they responded with a lot of talented duets. And […]

I was absolutely floored by this, and I can’t believe I didn’t know about it. It’s truly amazing, and makes me love the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree even more! Since […]

You may already know Nandi Bushell from her videos where she expertly drums along to popular rock songs. And about a year or so ago, she got into a drum […]


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