Author: Jesse

Page: 66

The Netflix limited series The Queen’s Gambit has been extremely popular over the last few days. In fact: So, if you’ve got a little time over the next few days, […]

It’s inevitable. Sometime during this holiday season, you’re going to have a heated discussion with a friend or relative. Whether it’s due to a few adult beverages or the stress […]

So, I’ve been in radio for just over 13 years now (just over 7 with Z93) and I gotta tell ya, I’m still blown away that this is what I […]

So, I stumbled across this video today and it WINS. THE. INTERNET! It’s the first time they’d ever heard the Phil Collins classic song “In The Air Tonight” and they’re […]

With the beautiful day on Saturday and not a lot to do, Katie and I decided to hop in the car and head up the Great River Road to a […]

Normally when Taylor Swift has new music on the way, she likes to leave cryptic clues in her social media posts for her fans to decipher, driving them into a […]

My name is Jesse and I’m obsessed with music. I mean, makes sense right. Working in radio. It was a natural fit. But one of my tasks here at Z93 […]

Over the 4th of July Weekend, Kanye West broke the Internet when he took to Twitter made this announcement: We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, […]

“It’s in the hardest times, we grow the most” It’s a line from a song by one of my favorite bands, A Day to Remember called “I Remember” and it’s […]


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