Author: Jesse

Page: 56

I haven’t had a chance to binge “Squid Game” on Netflix yet. Even it though it seems that I may be the only one. The Korean drama is on pace […]

I can’t stop watching this video. 26 year old Eugene Bozzi was filmed attempting to capture an alligator with a trash can. To me, it feels like this is the […]

Summer has only ended but we’re never too far away from thoughts of the holiday season. The big box stores putting out Christmas decor. Stories about how folks should start […]

Maybe it’s the excitement of Fest being days away. But this goes way harder than it needs to. The internet remains undefeated.

Remember when you decided to cut the cord and you thought you’d save a bunch of money. But then your favorite shows would leave the streaming service, and you’d sub […]

Ok, so I know that this is the 2nd post about Harry Styles in like two weeks, BUT, trust me, this is pretty cool. Last night, Harry played the Xcel […]

Although the boys in BTS have had to cancel their Map of the Soul World tour, they’re still out to create a positive message for their fans. Today, they delivered […]

I didn’t really high hopes for the Vikings yesterday. Just went in hoping that it would at the very least be entertaining. And for the most part it was. A […]

No one really says it but growing up in the 90’s was kind of a wild time. Especially when we worried about things that turned out to be pretty harmless […]

Calm down, Packers fans. It was only the first game. September football is always kind of rough to watch anyway. And according to Aaron Rogers, he blames one of the […]


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