Written by Ballzer on September 19, 2022
If you live in or around La Crosse, or have been up to Grandad bluff, you have most likely seen the La Crosse Area Suicide Prevention Initiative billboards and signs. The signs feature their adopted slogan “Your Life Matters” to signify the profound value of each individual life and wanting to reach anyone impacted by thoughts of suicide.

This week, they are hosting multiple Suicide Prevention events. Wednesday night is a free community event in Riverside Park. The Suicide Prevention Awareness event will be from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and features music by Dan Sebranek, Dancers From La Crosse Dance Centre, and a Message From Mental Health Therapist Mary Cortesi. There will also be refreshments, memorial displays, and educational and resource tables.
They’re also hosting the Suicide Prevention Summit at UW-L during the day on Thursday, which requires registration, and a free community presentation at Viterbo Thursday evening.
Deb Mahr from the La Crosse Area Suicide Prevention Initiative joined the Morning Buzz to tell us more about this week’s events:
Find more info on The La Crosse Area Suicide Prevention Initiative on their website, and learn more about all the events HERE.