Written by Ballzer on December 6, 2021
Coulee Region Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, RSVP, has been serving La Crosse and Monroe counties since 1973. Through collaboration with community nonprofit organizations, we provide meaningful volunteer experiences for individuals age 55 and better in our community.
We caught up with RSVP Administrator, Rebecca Brueggeman, to learn more about the organization!
RSVP invites these folks to share their life experience and skills to make a positive impact on meeting the needs of the community. Some programs include: handcraft, handyman, study buddy and transportation services.
Thanks to Dairyland Power and your local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, we are able to donate $500 to help Coulee Region RSVP buy materials for these programs and more!
You can donate to support RSVP if you’re able, HERE