Fall Festivities
Written by Ballzer on October 12, 2021
Growing up on a berry farm, one of my favorite seasons was Fall. I remember as a little girl I loved to play in the Fall leaves, pick pumpkins to carve and eat all the delicious Fall fruits and veggies. I honestly can’t tell you if I was more obsessed with the squash or raspberries? One of my favorite Fall activities is taking my nieces and nephews to pick out their pumpkin each year. Well, this year, we picked raspberries and apples, and it was so much fun! The Berry Patch is located in Trempealeau, Wi, and is such a fun place to visit with your family. Then you can stop at Eckers for a hard cider, and it’s the perfect Fall day for you and the kids. I wanted to give you guys some Fall photo ideas below⬇️ Below I’m also sharing my Fall bucket list! What’s on your fall bucket list this year? Click this link to shop my sister’s and I’s fall look. boldlipsandblondehair