Written by Grant Bilse on August 13, 2020
Eariler this week, the Big 10 and Pac 12 conferences announced that 2020 fall sports- most notably football- are cancelled. Now, this is saddest for the players and coaches, and terrible for the business owners that rely on game-days to make money. But, I am the one writing this blog, so I am going to selfishly make this about me.
My favorite season is fall because of the weather, the beautiful scenery and the sports. From 11am on Saturday to 10:30pm on Sunday, I have football to watch. I love opening the windows to feel the fall breeze, making something tasty in the slow cooker, and watching football for hours on end.
Now what am I going to do? Go outside and be active? Read a book? Spend time with friends and family? That all sounds terrible! And what happens around Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years? Typically, we have rivalry and bowl games to make family gatherings more bearable. Now what am I supposed to do? Talk to my relatives? “No Uncle Jerry, I still don’t have a girlfriend, please stop asking.”
My heart goes out to all the athletes who are losing their season, and to all the business owners in Madison who will lose revenue. 2020 sucks, hopefully we turn the corner soon.