Written by Ballzer on May 22, 2020
Pools are closed, a lot of festivals are cancelled, and it seems like there’s not much to do with the kiddos this summer. It will be challenging to say the least, but we have some fun ideas for you. We talked with Michael Scott from The Parenting Place, and he had some great ones!
We also had some fun ideas to add to the list!
- Back to basics: Get out the sprinkler! You loved it as a kid and your kids will too!

- S’Mores: Here is a super fun way to make S’more’s with an ice cream cone, either on the grill or over a campfire! CLICK HERE!

- Fashionista: Tie Dye is making a come back, so channel your tween’s inner designer. You’ll want to be outside anyway because you’ll definitely make a mess! But so fun to do! CLICK HERE for instructions!

- Picnic: Have a picnic for breakfast, lunch or dinner in the yard! Just changing things up can be enough to get the kids excited about a meal. Maybe add some fun items like fruit cabobs that they can help make!

- Artist: Paint some rocks or bust out the sidewalk chalk!

- Homemade Slime: Click here for a safe and easy recipe