Written by Jesse on May 1, 2020
“It’s in the hardest times, we grow the most”
It’s a line from a song by one of my favorite bands, A Day to Remember called “I Remember” and it’s been playing on a loop for the past few days. Sure, it’s a little cliche but it’s hard to not think we’re going to come out of this situation changed and much, MUCH stronger.
It’s easy to be frustrated and disappointed by what’s going on. It’s normal and pretty justified. We’re stuck at home. Zoom and FaceTime are nice but they leave a lot to be desired.
But I saw this as I was driving through downtown this morning:

The way our community has been showing it’s strength over the last few weeks has been incredible. Donating to feed our healthcare staff. Showing up in droves to Food Drive Friday, it’s further proof that we’re surrounded by some amazing people. And it makes me proud to call La Crosse home.