Written by Ballzer on March 12, 2020
Gundersen Health System’s Minutes in Motion is in its 14th year! It’s a, COMPLETELY FREE, six-week community physical activity challenge that begins on March 30th. Track and record your minutes of physical activity (at least 30 minutes every day for six weeks). Report your activity daily, weekly or by the end of the challenge. When you meet the challenge, you will be entered into a drawing for great prizes!
Join Our Team!
Here’s what you need to do! You will click the link below to get started, but before you do…a couple of things to know.
1- When you get to the website, you’ll begin by clicking on “Register: Community Members”.
2- You’ll be asked to either start a team or join a team. We would love for you to join our team, “Z93 La Crosse.”
Ok, you’re ready! CLICK HERE to get registered!