Written by Ballzer on March 6, 2020
Local comedian and satirist Sam Shilts launched The La Crosse Times nearly a month ago, bringing hilarity to the Coulee Region. Sam, a member of comedy troupe Live from La Crosse, had some viral attention with his “Things La Crosse People Say” videos last fall. Covering mostly local topics, articles range from an op-ed by the Blue Baby, Elvis Explosion, Best of La Crosse survey categories, and local businesses. We ask Sam how he decided to launch the site and also how often people think it’s real! The fake news site is currently run on donations, you can donate at the bottom of their page.

LIVE from La Crosse has shows coming up in April if you want to check out, follow them HERE! If you haven’t seen the Things La Crosse People Say, here it is but know this video is NSFW:
Blue Baby feature image by Bob Good