Written by Ballzer on January 10, 2020
New Year, New You, right? One of your 2020 goals might be to get organized so we brought in a professional organizer! Lisa David Olson is a mom, author, comedienne, speaker, and she’ll also organize your house! We brought Lisa in to give us some great ideas on how to get started:

Lisa also recommends making a game of it with an accountability buddy. You can encourage and challenge each other then celebrate your successes! Lisa keeps a donation box right in her closet and tosses items in there right away when selecting outfits. Another great trick for clothes is the hanger flip trick: flip your hangers around and if you don’t wear something that’s in season for a certain amount of time, donate it!
You can follow Lisa on Facebook HERE and check our her book, Laughs on Wry: An Improvisor’s Memoir, on her WEBSITE.
She even brought us some fun gifts, because that’s how she is 😉