Trends and Surprise Come Backs for 2020!
Written by Ballzer on December 31, 2019
2019 is the end of a decade. We’ve seen a lot in 10 years. The first iPad came out in 2010, people were planking everywhere, Lady Gaga wore a meat dress, there were two Royal Weddings, we did the Gangnam Style and the Harlem Shake, and we’re still not sure…”What does the Fox say?” The Ice Bucket Challenge was a huge way to raise awareness of ALS, same sex marriage became legal in the U.S. And those are just a few of the things that happened. Click here for more memories from the past decade!

2020 has some new trends and of course, some surprises in store! 2020 is all about embracing earthy neutrals, plant-based meats, streaming (duh), inclusive toys for kiddos, and wait for it…the disposable camera is set to make a come back! All this, and so much more. Click here for the inside scoop on what’s knocking on the door to 2020! Happy New Year!