Written by Ballzer on December 27, 2019
This time of year a lot of us are looking to the next year with hope and plans for change. Many people will make resolutions to eat healthier, work out more, get organized, and really save money in the new year. These are certainly great goals, but we have some more that you may not have thought about!
Get Better Sleep!
We know it’s tempting to binge just one more episode or play games on your phone for “just 5 more minutes.” Quality sleep has such a huge impact on your day that you may want to make it a priority in 2020. Life Hack has a solid list of some tips to help you be a more successful sleeper HERE
Start journaling!
It seems like one more thing you have to do, but once you get in the habit of writing down your thoughts and aspirations, it’s an amazing release. You’ll gain insight, create downtime, and you’ll probably end up acheiving more goals. Don’t believe us? Spreeder can help convince you!
Spend more time doing the things you love!
We know, that’s hard to do when there’s so much work to be done. Start by prioritizing your workload to make it easier to use your time to spend with the ones you love or the things you love doing.
Stop being late all the time!
Okay, this one hits home for a lot of us. Why can’t we just Be. On. Time?! There are people who say “if you’re not early, you’re late.” What are their secrets? This year we hope to be one of those people and plan to use this list as a guide which includes writing down why you were late! I’ve never thought of this one and will be hesitant to actually use it…