Start your own food drive to support the 5th annual iFeed!
Written by Ballzer on October 18, 2019
iFeed is a one-day meal packing and food drive event put on by local high school Interact Clubs. Sarena and Delaney from Aquinas came in to tell us more about the event!
Please bring non-perishable food items to Logan High School from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 2, 2019. Students will be curbside to pick up any donations.
High school students will look to tackle the issue of food insecurity in their communities and across the world for the fifth straight year.
iFeed, a one-day meal packing and food drive event,will take place from 8:30a.m.-12p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, at Logan High School. The event includes teams that pack thousands of soy-rice meals for shipment to Nicaragua to help alleviate hunger as well as a food drive to benefit local pantries.
In 2018, iFeed teams packed more than 100,000 meals and raised more than 30,000 food items for local food pantries.
A major focus for this year’s event is to increase the amount of food donations for local pantries. To do this, students involved in Interact are asking organizations, businesses and individuals to hold their own collections prior to the event.Community members interested in hosting a food drive or becoming involved with iFeed can CLICK HERE for more information. iFeed is a joint effort between Interact service clubs at La Crosse Logan, La Crosse Central, Aquinas, Onalaska, West Salem, Holmen, and Caledonia, Minn. High Schools along with local Rotary Clubs.