Empower Young Women and Eliminate Racism? Yep, We’re on Board!
Written by Ballzer on June 7, 2019
The YWCA La Crosse has a strong and very important mission. Each day they are continuing their mission to help eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. The YWCA La Crosse has many local programs which are designed by their four Pillars of Hope: Supportive Housing, Economic Empowerment, Mentoring and Advocacy, and Racial and Social Justice. Click here to learn more about what the YWCA does for our local community!
Z93 and our ZCare partner, Jolivette Family Farms, believes that the work being done by the YWCA La Crosse is more important than ever! That is why we paid a visit to their event, Taste of the Coulee Region, to make $500.00 donation to support their mission!

If you ever find yourself in a position to make a donation of any amount to the YWCA La Crosse, it would be much appreciated and would benefit our community in many ways. Click here to make a generous online donation. Thank you for your consideration!